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The Show Off Rocks The Party Photo Contest by La Senza

8/21/2012 09:24:00 AM Ice Goddhez Blog 2 Comments

Win a $50 La Senza Gift Card in #TheShowOffRockstheParty Photo Contest!

Create a fashion-inspired photograph or graphic that showcases how “The Show Off Rocks the Party". Use fashion close-ups, cool outfits on the street, and trends out at the club as inspiration. Your Entry may or may not include a La Senza product, but should be a creative and fun expression that represents or illustrates how YOU rock the party.

And just how can you join this contest? Read more after the cut!
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Here are some simple steps how to join!

A. via Facebook -- (1) locate La Senza's “The Show Off Rocks the Party” Custom Facebook Tab and fill out the entry form, (2) upload your Entry, and (3) submit. Your Entry must comply with La Senza's Facebook fan participation guidelines, located at

B. via Instagram -- (1) follow us @LaSenzaLingerie on Instagram (2) upload your Entry on the Instagram application using the hashtag #TheShowOffRocksTheParty, and (3) post. Your Entry must comply with Instagram’s terms of use, located at

Here's a few entries already (from La Senza's Facebook photo post):

And because I did not read the whole mechanics before joining ... I joined with this photo ...

Looks cool right? Almost!

Except that ... this contest ain't applicable in my country. Therefore, I am not eligible hahaha. Poor me! I soooo wanted to join.

Anyway, winners will be notified by September 7 via email so stay tuned if you think you'll win!(^_^)

Visit La Senza's Facebook page and check the post for more information:
 Good luck!


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  1. just dropping by. thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Thanks Lawrence! Glad you're back in your blog. Keep it up! :)


I used to use Disqus as my Comment Form but now I just switched back to this. If you see some replies not matching original comments, just ignore and comment away. ^_^

If you want to follow each other, I'm ok with that (^_^) Kindly follow me then I'll follow back. Thanks a bunchies!


Be an e-tailPR blogger

Due to recent news that Google Reader is retiring by July 1, 2013; this means I may not be able to follow the feeds of the blogs I currently follow / read. Same thing with my readers. So to keep up with each other's updates, kindly follow me back on these other alternatives.

Thank you very much! I promise to do the same to fellow bloggers I'm currently connected with. (^_^) Just let me know my dears!

And if you wish to FOLLOW EACH OTHER, please read this post first to know my views about it.

My Thoughts on Follow Each Other Requests

If you're one of those I used to follow but now I'm no longer following you, either your blog was changed to private; no longer existing; or simply because you fall in those categories I mentioned in this article. Sorry but I wish to keep a friendly group and remain true with my blogging principles. Thank you.